AIESEC Singapore, together with National Youth Council and MP Mr Darry David, announced the first volunteer festival in Singapore with the aim of promoting youth volunteerism through UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 28th July 2017. Singaporean youths can now contribute directly to global issues and these goals by participating in volunteering projects hosted by AIESEC.

By promoting youth volunteerism through UN’s SDGs, AIESEC Singapore is creating greater awareness amongst youth of the global challenges defined in the UN’s seventeen SDGs, and how sustainable volunteering could create a ripple effect the achievement of these goals. The Festival showcased previous volunteer projects that have touched and transformed the lives of many in the region, and a large SDG Pyramid Wall sponsored by United in Diversity which frames the United Nation’s seventeen SDGs into a holistic three tiers signifying the harmonies of people with people, with nature and with the spiritual for a happier and better world. The SDG Pyramid framework was initiated by United In Diversity Foundation and was launched in March this year at the UN headquarter in New York.

The Festival aim was to get 1088 thumbprint pledges on the SDG Pyramid Wall to set a record as the largest SDGs-related Wall. More importantly, the SDG Pyramid Wall signifies a united effort and commitment of youths in Singapore to shape a better world.